Monday, January 30, 2012

No school tomorrow!

In Math today, we chose different units (popsicle sticks, corks, squares, pennies and pop tabs) to estimate and measure our heel-to-toe step.  We learned that is easier to estimate with a larger unit than a smaller one (ie. there are fewer popsicle sticks to count than if I used pennies)

Friday, January 27, 2012

A final "Thank you" to all of my skate tiers!

In Math students had fun going on a schoolwide scavenger hunt. Our mission was to find items that were the following lengths: 5 paperclips, 7 straws, 3 markers and 12 unifix cubes.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Delicious Snow Pancakes

In the past, Acadians believed that the first snow to fall in May had special healing powers.  Today, some Acadians still celebrate the First Snow of May by making "snow pancakes" and so did we!

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hot lunch and FFF tomorrow!

In Social studies, we moved on to the Acadians from Meteghan.  We looked closely at their flag and their language, French.  The kids had a blast learning a few French words and phrases like "I love you" and "Will you marry me?"

A pink note went home today, we are skating all next week (except for Monday) from 9:50 - 10:50.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ten of us braved the frigid temperatures!

An eventful day full of:
  • A journal entry....How would I spend a Snow Day at home? Students wrote a Bold Beginning and Excellent Ending for their entry.
  • Addition and Subtraction to 18 Assessment with Mrs. Suter
  • Crazy Addition - a card game to help us use different Mental Math strategies
  • Music
  • Gym - a whole hour!  Thanks, Mr. G!
  • Games at recess and the walking circuit at lunch!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This week students will see the culmination of our addition/subtraction to 18 unit in Math. Students will finish off the unit by meeting one-on-one with me for a math interview.

In Social Studies we continued to look at Iqlauit. There are so many exciting things about the Far North! Students learned that Inuit live by the "golden rule" and that this applies not only to other people, but also to animals and nature. We learned about Inuit art, culture and also music. It was neat to watch as a man carved a soapstone polar bear and also listen to throat singing and watch drum dancing. The culture of the North is rich, and beautiful!

Today in Health we discussed proper use of medicine. Students brainstormed times when they have required medication (i.e.: flu, cold, stomach ache, broken bone, eye infection). We then discussed what rules should be followed when taking medicine (1. Take the correct amount, 2. Take it at the right time, 3. Only take medicine given to you by a parent).

In Math we played a very fun game of "Doubles +1". It is a dice game that can easily be played at home. Please feel free to send a note in your child's agenda or an email if you would like a board for at home.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Even though we will be having indoor recesses all week, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for when they travel from home to school.  Keep warm!

  • New POW/WWW went home today

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year's Resolutions for Families

As stated in the RBES January Newsletter, families have been asked to make a Family Resolution.  Please send in your 2012 Family Resolution to be entered into a contest!  Be sure to include your family's name.
Playing Double The Die on the Smartboard

Playing Double The Die to help us learn our doubles!

Beginning our Cultural Festival Assignment - The Inuit

Choosing parts of the Ukrainian Culture for the Cultural Festival

Excited about the Cultural Festival - The Acadians

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Early Dismissal Tomorrow!

The weather is supposed to plummet to seasonal temperatures tomorrow.  Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for the weather!

Today we started our new Social Studies unit, Looking at People. Students were introduced to the flags which represent each of the three communities we are studying. They then took their knowledge of flags and created either a flag for their family or our class. The students are proud of the thought and effort that went into them!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

In Math today, we looked at another mental strategy to help us with addition facts to 18.  It's called DOUBLES AND NEAR DOUBLES.  It is important that your child know their doubles to 18:  1 + 1= 2; 2 + 2 = 4; 3 + 3 = 6; etc....  We can use the near doubles strategy to write a sum for 13.  We know that 6 + 6 = 12 and 1 more makes 13 OR that 7 + 7 = 14 and 1 less is 13.