Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Zack!

Thanks for the delicious, green frogs!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Building the Blueprint

Our blueprint
In Math today, we added ten to various numbers and recorded the results.  We discussed the place value pattern in our results and examined why it is happening. This encouraged the students to use place value patterns to take leaps of ten and use landmark numbers. Together, we also created a blueprint of our measurements of our "Art Projects" using connecting cubes and adding machine paper.  We marked the measurements on the blueprint.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Two: Measuring for the Art Show

Counting by Tens

Counting by twos

Counting by twos

Making tens

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Measuring for the Art Show

Today we read the book Measuring for the Art Show.  This story is of a teacher who has offered to organize an art show of children's work as a school fund-raiser.  The children have produced beautiful pieces of art and the teacher and several children set out to make signs to hand underneath each piece, listing the title of the piece, the artist's name and the price.  They want to measure each each art piece very carefully so that the sign will be exactly the same length as the piece of art.  But this hug pile of work is daunting.  Thankfully, the students soon figure out a solution.  They sort the art by size, measure each size, and make a blueprint - a pattern strip - that will be used for cutting all the signs.

The story sets the context for a series of investigations in this unit.  Today, we measured various sizes of art paper with connecting cubes. 

March 6 - 20

Monday, March 5, 2012


Mitchell and Megan said, "We loved the movie!"
Kale said, "It was cool!"
Zack thought the Lorax was hairy!

2S at The LORAX!

Dylan thought the Lorax was funny!
Cole Haniak and Eyvind thought the movie was funny!
Cole Johnson and Jorja said, "It was awesome!"

Mmmmmm! Truffula Trees by Mrs. Forchuk