Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Jitters...

What a wonderful bunch of boys and girls in 2S!  We had an extremely busy day which included the all time favourites:  gym and recess!!

We read the story First Day Jitters by Julie Dannenberg.  It's a fabulous story about a first-time teacher’s first day at school. It surprised the students to learn that teachers get nervous too. We talked about having "butterflies" in our stomach on the first day of school.  We drank a glass of Jitter Juice which we used to "wash our butterflies away!"

Several important notices were sent home today in your child's red folder.  Unfortunately, our agendas have not arrived, so I will be using the temporary one until they do.  Please return all correspondence as quickly as possible.

We will be making class t-shirts again.  Please send a black (short or long sleeved) t-shirt to school with your child.  I am planning to design and make our original t-shirts tomorrow.