Wednesday, February 26, 2014

No Skating tomorrow!

WOW....the parent volunteers at the rink rock!  I don't think I tied two pairs of skates today...thanks for all your help!  Today I'm thankful for Mrs. Worley, Mr. Manz, Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Hill, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. JP, Mrs. Huber & Mrs. McArthur!

In Science today, we observed that some liquids are heavier than others.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wear Pink.....Stop Bullying!

Thank you to Mrs. Manz, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Bade & Mrs. JP for helping tie skates today!  We skate again tomorrow at the same time.

A yellow note was sent home today in your child's Take Home Folder.  Please check your scheduled Student Led Conference time slot.  Either send me an email or a note in your child's agenda to either confirm or ask for a time change.

Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day.....

Monday, February 24, 2014

Skating Again tomorrow....

Thank you to Mr. Manz, Mr. Hill, Mrs. Milson & Mrs. Stewart for helping tie skates today!  We skate again tomorrow at the same time.

  • New Home Reading came home today - ask your child what goal they are working on to become better readers.....
  • New WWW
  • New Word Sort - this week's sort is tricky....the /ea/ spelling can be BOTH long and short

Friday, February 21, 2014

Library and Skating on Monday....

Our scheduled skating time is from 9:25 - 10: 10...if you are available to tie skates, it would be greatly appreciated.  Our students will be going to recess directly from the rink.  Please send a pocket snack that they could eat after skating.

In Science today, we had a Drop Drag Race to investigate which liquid moved faster down a slanted surface....such fun!

There was no chance for any liquid that was up against cooking oil! 
1st place went to cooking oil.....4th place went to molasses!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy 100th Day of School!

100 Cups Stacked!
Thank you to Mrs. Bade for preparing the supplies for our Tasty Tuesday this month....the M & M Pretzel Peanut Butter Bananas were delicious!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you to the parents of Jada, Jason, Hunter, Elliot and Loyd for supplying all of the yummy treats for our Valentine's was delicious!  Also, thank you for all of the sweet Valentine notes and treats delivered to all of us in 2S! One last thank you, to Mrs. Cross, for assembling the adorable treats from myself and Miss's greatly appreciated!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ballots were sent home yesterday to log all of your "Unplugged Hours" on Monday, February 17th. Unplugged hours is all the time that your child spends away from screens (TV, computer, video games, Ipods, Iphones, etc.).  Return the ballots to school on Tuesday - the class with the most unplugged hours at RBES will win a pizza party!

We will be having Library on Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Early Dismissal tomorrow at 2:15....

  • Tomorrow is our Annual RBES Family Dance....there are still a few tickets left....they will be on sale again tomorrow morning.  
  • Ukrainian Day Tomorrow!  So far, the presentations have been fantastic!
Mrs. Kaluza, another Grade Two teacher, has asked if our class would be interested in presenting our projects to her class.  We agreed and will be presenting to their class next Thursday afternoon.  After this, students are asked to make arrangements to take their presentations home by Friday.